Sunday, December 4, 2011


    If I could choose one thing to introdue to a prinmative culture it would be a sufficeint amount of water. If a culture has a sufficeint amount of water they will be able to flourish as a society. For example if ther was enough water in a society then that society would be able to grow enough food for everyone. This would also lead to more jobs because more people would be needed to havest the food being grown. This allow their econmy to improve as well. Also less people would die of starvation and their population would increase.


    If I was able to establish a national holiday it would be 9/11. Instead of mourning the death of the hundreds of people who died on 9/11, we would celebrate their lives. For instince we would hold a parade in their honor each and every year. The parade would be held in New York but broad casted nation wide.
     I would choose to commemerate the people who died on 9/11 because every year many Anericans mourn their love ones. September 11th is always seen negativly and most people find that day depressing. I do not want anyone to be sad on that day again. Instead of depression I want Americans to be able to smile on this day. By turnng 9/11 into a holiday we are taking back the power the terroist think that they have. We are showing every country just how strong America is as a nation


   The best advice I have ever received is to not give up on what you truly believe in. When I was younger I really wanted to play volleyball but we didn't have the money for me to play in a club. When I got to high school I was really excited because I knew that I could finally join a volleyball team. However once I joined the team I soon realized that I wasn't very good at volleyball. I told my mom that I did'nt want to play anymore but my mom knew how important volleyball was to me and she was unwilling to let me quite. She told me that if I ever wanted to sucede at volleyball or anything else in life that i really wanted i could not qite. I told her I wouldn't quite and that is what I did. I kept trying  and soon I began to get better at volleyball. Finally I made the varsity volleyball team at my school. From that point on I realized how important presistence is.


    One question that the universities wont ask  but they should is, what or who has made you into the acedemic person that you have become and why?
     My answer to this question would be that I have not always been as hard working as i am now. However when i was in the sixth grade this all changed. I had a teacher named Ms.Arabia and she pushed me to do my best everyday. She saw something in me that I didn't see in myself. She pushed me to reach my greatest potential that i never even knew i could reach. I would say that her pushing me has ultimitaly lead to me working harder to become a better person. I still talk to her to this day whenever i need help believing in myself because i know she will always belive in me. Without her i would have never join the international bacalaureate program at my school. She helped me acheive some of the most difficult tasks I have ever faced.


  If my life was a movie it would be a comedy/family movie. It would be a movie where in the end the main character would learn the most important thing in life is you family.
At the beging of the movie all of my family would be at my grandma's house (where we always are). We would be sitting in the living room having a conversation when one of my cousins would walk in and say someyhing making the rest og us laugh. As soon as the laughter dies down someone else would say something that would make us laugh until our sides hurt and tears ran down our cheeks. There would be one person not enjoying herself and that would be the main character.


 Dear Roomate,
   Hey, this is Na'Keenya speaking and I would like to tell you a bit about myself. I am a proud black American who can not wait to start school. I was raised by only women so you could say that I am a bit of a feminist on a way. I beleive in equality of the sexes and of race. I would like to tell you that I am really looking foward to meeting you. No matter how great I may seem I would also like to tell you about some of my flaws. I am super unorganized and sometimes that can lead to a mess. I also do not like anyone touching my stuff because to some its a mess to me it is a system.
    I would also like you to know that I am a basketball player/volleyball player/shot puter. I really love sports and without them I would not be the person I am today. I really hope that we can becme great friends and we share many things in common.

   Na'Keenya Jackson 


  The quote "he does not possess wealth, it possess him" makes me begin to wonder does money really control our actions. The I think about it the more the answer becomes yes. Most of the time what we do is ultimitaly done because we are foucus on what will get from it. In our soociety today we rarly do anything for the pure satisfaction of doing it anymore. This would make the money we aquiire possess us instead of vice versa.
    However I also think that this quote is not completely acurate. I do believe that some people do have the power not to let money possess them. For example Bill Gates. He is a multi millionaire and he is still able to give money away as generousaly as he earns it. People like him make this statement true, however only to a limited number of peole. 


   I think that if I go to a college the most valuable contribution I could make is to have a positive black female presence on its campus. I would start a club recognizing  and enhancing what it means to be a black women living in America. With this club I would begin to reach out to less fortunate communities and allow young black females to realize they could be whatever they want to be. If I was able to make this a sucessful club then more black women would begin to enroll into college. This would not only be a mojor attribute to just that school campus but to college campuses everywhere. A larger percent of the school's student population would be black young women.


   Growing up my mom has always tought me to be a proud African American young women. I remember when I was younger I onced asked my mom why I got treated different when i was just like everyone else. She told me that I wasn't the same as every one else that I came from special ancestors that over came a lot. At the time I didn't understand what she ment by that, but as time pasted I began to figure out what she had really ment. She ment that throughout life i would face many obstacles based on the color of my skin. However at the time I remember I felt uter confusion. 
   I remember when i was 12 i got called a "NIGGER" for the first time. i was devastated and didn't understand why someone would call me that. I went home and I cried to my mom and told her about everything. I wondered how anyone could belittle someone using that word. MY mom explained to me again that many people were going to treat me different based on the color of my skin but it was my job not to give them a reason to. From that day on I became proud of me and my culture. I have sinced embraced who i am and will never let anyone use that word to hurt me again. This has impacted me because I was able to turn such a negative experience into something that now shapes who I am till this day. This shows me that i can over come anything.


     Global warming has had a major impact not only on me but on everyone everywhere and it seems as if it is not getting better. Many animals are starting to disappear due to the fact that their habitats are unable to survive the unstable weather paterens. For example polar bears are begining to go exstincted beause global warming is changing their habitat and they have no place to go. Much of the ice that makes up their habitat is starting to melt and many can't survive like that.
  We can fix this problem using feuls without any carbon footprint, such as biodiesel. In a group we started at our school we are learning how to make an alternative feul that can help fix the hole in the o-zone layer. Another way we can help save the planet is by turning all industry green. By making these big corperations green then that will allow us to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere by a signifigant number. If we were to try to end global warming we would have to do this as a globe. No one person, state, country, or continentcan do it alone. We have to come together and end it because it affects us as a planet. 

Friday, December 2, 2011


    If I could change any two things about our school campus it would be who is allowed on it and the amount of littering we have. I would change these things in order to improve our school's enviornment and representation. I would limit the amount of people on campus for safety for the kids and to keep negative influence off the campus. At our school you just have to sign in then you are able to walk on the campus. This makes me uncomfortable be cause it allows virtually anybody to get on the campus.I would like to make it so that only a selscted number of people would be able to get on our campus. such as students, administration, teachers, district officials, and the parents of the students enrolled into the school. This will make it so that only a aselected number of people would be allowed on our campus at during school hours.I would also like this change to happen because then it will allow the office to better monitor who exactly is on our campus at all times.
   I would abolish littering as soon as possible in our to keep our campus loook nice. I think when you litter that means you have no respect for the area your littering. I would like think that we as a school do have respect for our campus so we should not litter. So we as a school should stop littering and show that we do have respect for our school. This would allow us to have a campus that acuratly displays who we are as students at Castle Park High School.